Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Pest and Disease Chart

Garden Pests

Collage especially made this morning by Michael Leigh inspired by the Tatton project....after finding a leaflet on pest control in the Percy Thrower book.


I thought a good start would be to go through my ,what turns out to  be, extensive collection of old gardening books, Percy Thrower included (I have never got them together before). This tasty morsel fell out which I thought might inspire someone on the vegetable front....
NB runner bean length Jane... although this is quite an old  card and I imagine the record is much much longer now.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Dancing Daffodils

This is just a thought, and I havn't even asked Archie (my son) yet....but he made a machine to make 30 tin Daffodils dance, I am sure he could re-make/adapt this to be wind powered so it wouldn't need the big wooden box..just set on bed springs..low down...gently swaying in the wind...or maybe helped by a "windmill"...thinking out loud.
..mother and son working on the flower beds...

Monday, 15 April 2013

A very rough sketch of the plot
with notional beds(plinths), walls and hanging structures.

Sunday, 14 April 2013


So at last I'm getting around to inviting all my fellow allotment makers. I have had many fantastic conversations about potential items for our plot and it is definitely time we began to act on them. This week I had a lovely email from the RHS who are really enthusiastic about our plans. I also checked up some of the dates. Build can begin from Monday 8th July and all work has to be complete for the morning of Wednesday 24th which is press day. The show opens on the 25th and closes on the 28th. All plots must have a leaflet, it must be manned at all times and badges must be worn. I think we can comply with this! They seem to be happy for us to have enough badges for anyone on set-up days and also we should all be ale to take it in turns to be there on the open days. I'm not sure if we can get any additional passes but we will discuss this with them. So far there are a number of very sketchy drawings of the plot, which I will post. It is 7 meters wide by 5 meters deep and has to be viewable from 3 sides. It also should be accessible if possible by visitors. The RHS are also intending to give all of the plots on the Great British Allotment section a 'shed/summer house' at the side of it for publicity material and as a base for exhibitors which will be a great help. Thanks to the Atelier project from last year there are a number of pieces of shed over in the Architecture loading bay that we can use and Helen and Laura are hoping to use two pieces with doors in as a threshold for visitors to enter. The other pieces will form a rear boundary and structure for hanging items. So for now, welcome. Please post your ideas for others to see.