Saturday, 7 September 2013

Its all in our Memories now....

The allotment and memory shed is a collaboration between The Whitworth Art Gallery and The Manchester School of Art, Manchester Metropolitan University

We invited visitors to Whitworth Weekending to enter our memory shed and plant their memories of the Whitworth art Gallery and Whitworth Park. Lots of memories were planted in our lovely plant pots. A wonderful event! Thank you to the pubic for sharing, you responded brilliantly.

For more information, please pick up your copy of the Allotment News from MMU, Art School reception in the new building from Wednesday 11th September.

 Archive images of the Whitworth and the park

Plat plots of memories, Audrey's cauliflower's, onions and more

Sophie's water-colours

More archive images

packing away - all over, remember when...

Me, myself and lovely George packing away :-((

Some shared memories in our memory book

More information in our Allotment News (contact Emma on for your copy)

More planted memories